
We are excited to offer a wide range of services designed to simplify the creation and management of your chatbot. We care about your experience and the success of your project, which is why we offer highly specialized services to meet all your needs.

Personality Library

You can create a unique and engaging chatbot that reflects your company, your brand, or simply because it behaves in the most suitable way for the purpose for which you created it with our library of predefined personalities or by creating your own.

Integration via Embed JavaScript

Easily integrate your chatbot wherever you want, whether it's on your website, your app, or other digital platforms. Our Embed JavaScript integration service offers you the flexibility you need.

Knowledge Source Creation

Make the most of your knowledge and resources to transfer them to your chatbot. You can create infinite knowledge sources directly from the app or upload data in various formats (.pdf, ppt, csv, json, html, etc.) to make your chatbot a comprehensive and exhaustive resource.

Team for Collaboration and Monitoring

Organize your chatbot management and monitoring team. Assign specific roles to ensure complete control and collaborate effectively to continuously improve your bot's performance.

Professional Technical Support

We are ready to provide you with professional technical assistance at any time. Our support team is available to answer your questions and resolve any issues, ensuring smooth operation of your chatbot.

È il tipo di tecnologia che cercavi?

Possiamo aiutarti a creare e gestire il tuo o i tuoi chatbot in modo efficiente e personalizzato. Contattaci per scoprire come possiamo aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi con un chatbot di successo.